When selecting a parent folder should i not get all the subfolders and files? Currently, when I select a folder from the document I'm only getting 1 folder and non of its subfolders and files
When creating a workflow and deciding which Properties should be Enabled or Disabled based on workflow status, we only want to see the bindings associated to the form we are working on, not all Bindings in Control. This can be confusing.
When deciding which bindings so be enabled or disabled within a workflow it would be helpful to see on the bindings associated to the form we are working with. Right we have a view of all bindings.
David Dudek Jr.
almost 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
We want to add formula inside the data grid, so it can do calculation, example the Total Price, it will have value: Quantity * Unit Price. Please see attachment.
Indrawan Wijaya
almost 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Able to do Concatenate Some Bindings to a Target Binding
User want to have the function that able to Combine value from some different binding to another single Target Binding. Example to Combine generate single Document Number from different field.
Indrawan Wijaya
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Synchronization of tasks from .sp files schedules by Task ID without use of GUID.
In the settings menu there is an option for Primavera P6 to use activity IDs for synchronization. The same option for Synchro .sp files (and other formats) would be very useful as synchronization from external data goes through GUIDs by default. B...
In the 'Work' area as you add more forms the list just gets longer. It would be a good idea to have an expanding folder structure instead of a long list, as it is easier to navigate. This also assists with identifying different work areas and what...
There is a great need of having a distribution list embedded within the form. One of our users need this enhancement so they can put a newly raised form on a distribution list - pre defined list of users/roles who should be involved in the approva...
Alexandru Buzan
over 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
We want to be able to run a report which could create an "Audit Trail" by User ID.
In SYNCHRO control would like to have an option to run a report which would create an "Audit Trail" by user ID or task. Almost like a key stroke report. There are times when our users are working on multiple functions in SYNCHRO and at the same po...
David Dudek Jr.
about 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Admin
Future consideration
provide upload of editable bindings in flow state definition
When we create Form we can now download the form definition. From there it is very easy to create an excel file with the Editable bindings per status. Having option to upload this into the state definition will speed up the development and tweakin...