the 4D Planned Vs Actual scenario comparison should be visible in SYNCHRO control . It will boost the management review also that they may refer issues dashboard , power BI dashboard and Planned Vs actual delay analysis within the same browser its...
When animating an object that fades out while passing through another object, the intersecting object (the one through which the fading object passes) becomes unexpectedly transparent and casts unusual shadows.
When animating an object that fades out while passing through another object, the intersecting object (the one through which the fading object passes) becomes unexpectedly transparent and casts unusual shadows.
Add the ability to assign milestones to the EVA graph or other project graphs.
In many projects, it's crucial to highlight significant milestones, such as the end of a project's first phase or other key events. Currently, there is no straightforward way to add these milestones to project graphs, such as the EVA graph or time...
Have the ability to see which forms have been escalated or related in the table view
There is no quick way to filter forms to see which forms have been escalated or to see which form it was escalated into. This also applies to related forms. Suggest having an icon next to form prefix in two separate columns (Escalated & Relate...
David Gallaher
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Likely to implement
Synchro Modeler idea: Generating surfaces from Work Areas in Synchro Modeler
Hi Synchro team, We are running a pilot on a road and bridge project with Synchro 4D Pro including Control, Modeler and Synchro 4D Pro. The designers are currently working on both the road and civil design. We would like to start scheduling and si...
Stephan Klotz
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Modeler
Needs review
Imodel Saved Views - Don't turn on new content by default
Currently, if we add new levels or new references to our source DGN files and then re-sync imodels, those new elements get turned on in every saved view. We don't want this. We want the option to turn on new content but to not have it alter our ex...