Updating messages for attempts of editing rejected / revised COs via URL
At the current moment, the rejected and revised CO will be locked and can't be edited. (Locked page.jpg) If user is on the CO details page of rejected or revised CO and tries to add the '/edit' to the URL, we should return warning message. Warning...
Notification service is required when updating models
The model has been updated, but the user does not know it and is working on a status update with the old model. When the user enters the model menu, the update is not known.
HoSang Jeon
almost 4 years ago
in Field / Models
In priority order: date range - already exists search by name/ ID by activity code Toggle With visual assignments is this even necessary? Toggle WBS Include/ exclude WBS NOTE: Filter by Task Filter Toggle Ignore Sort by Earliest start Latest start...
More opened permissions on Field -everyone sees everything mode
Everyone with Field visa can status everything without having to set up RGs with humen R associated with email. But this must be implemented after task filtering is done, OR model-based statusing workflow is established. If it is a one person stat...