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Status Planned
Workspace Contracts
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 18, 2021

Updating messages for attempts of editing rejected / revised COs via URL

At the current moment, the rejected and revised CO will be locked and can't be edited. (Locked page.jpg)

If user is on the CO details page of rejected or revised CO and tries to add the '/edit' to the URL, we should return warning message. Warning messages will be different for two different cases:

1. For case when CO is in the state "Rejected" and has not been revised already the "Rejected COs cannot be edited. Return to the CO summary and "revise" the CO if necessary." message appears.

But the user already has the "Revise" option on the details page. So he/she doesn't need to return to the summary to revise this CO. (Not revised CO.jpg)

2. For case when CO is in the state "Rejected" and a revision already exists, the "Rejected COs cannot be edited. Return to the CO details page for a link to the revision." message appears.

But the user is already on the details page and has the link here. So, he/she doesn't need to return to the details page. (Revised CO.jpg)

Perhaps, for both cases we need to update warning messages to provide users with the correct information.

Also messages should be updated for identical cases for PCO items.