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Pinned ideas

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PINNED I would like media Indexing to remember my Search preference like this week or Month instead of today
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PINNED Have the ability to move widgets and tables to a second monitor
Screen real estate to see the model is getting smaller with more widgets and tools can we move widgets to a second monitor?

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Showing 1317

To have 2D coming from a .sp file displayed in Synchro Control

User has loaded in Synchro™ 4D Pro a 2D .dwg drawing to create the 4D animation. Once uploaded in Synchro Control the lines coming from the 2D .dwg model are not visible from the Schedule functionality of Synchro Control. If the same 2D .dwg is us...
Thibault Dumas about 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models 7 Future consideration

QR and other codes scanning

Please, provide option to scan QR, data matrix and other codes in Field and Control. Allow the result as a decoded text to be populated and used in a control i.e. to read bu user, compare to another value in a different field or as a link to follo...
Kiril Tasev about 1 month ago in Field / Forms | Forms 0

Add the ability to create schedules for many models of one SynchroControl project.

Currently only one SynchroControl project model can be configured for the scheduling service ("Set up this iModel for scheduling service"). When a project is large in size or diligent, it is more convenient to split it into several models. Moreove...
Guest about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Admin 0 Future consideration

Delete individual slices instead of merging whole element

When using Synchro Modeler, you can create various slices to subdivide an element. It is not possible to delete just one slice, instead you can only merge the element so that all of the slices are deleted. This is a big problem if many slices have...
Ruth Fuller almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Modeler 2 Needs review

Ability to bulk create Actions/Scripts through Excel Configuration Spreadsheet

No description provided
Arpit Prakash 10 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms / Inspection 0 Planned

Ability to manually save changes in Forms Designer

When designing large Forms, the performance heavily degrades on any action like selection, editing, etc, due to auto-save continuously running in the background. This could be a toggle to enable/disable as required.
Arpit Prakash 9 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0

Add scheduling services to composite iModels

Add scheduling services to composite iModels to create 4D models.
Kevin Vivien 9 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models 0

New Eye icon color for partially on folders

If a layer is off, change the icon type above that layer. That way, users can identify which layers are partially on.
Michael Skoviera 3 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Model Viewer 0

Ability to export Forms as PDF

No description provided
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in Field / Forms | Forms 1 Future Consideration

Hide Draft and Archived Inspections Forms when creating a new Inspection

No description provided
Arpit Prakash 8 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Inspection 0