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Workspace SYNCHRO Modeler
Created by Ruth Fuller
Created on Apr 25, 2023

Delete individual slices instead of merging whole element

When using Synchro Modeler, you can create various slices to subdivide an element.

It is not possible to delete just one slice, instead you can only merge the element so that all of the slices are deleted. This is a big problem if many slices have been made in the object.

Please build in the functionality to be able to select a slice and delete it.

  • Patryk Makowski
    Feb 20, 2024

    Good points, Ruth

  • Ruth Fuller
    Apr 27, 2023

    Since submitting that initial idea I have now realised that you cannot adjust the position of slices once you have made them. Please build in this functionality. If you have to start again by merging and then creating new slices then all of the task assignments will be lost.