Users want to change the layout.
They have uploaded a lot of imodels, but they want to see at a glance what files are in total. Currently imodel's window size is too small.
Add the ability to copy existing forms in the Synchro Forms phone app
We are currently using Synchro Field app but it looks like one of the functions missing is the ability to copy existing forms in the app but you can do it on the web browser. Can we have the functionality added to copy forms in the app added?
We have noticed that in the standard PDF Printout there is a created date and created by field showing the time when the PDF is extracted and the user who created the PDF. Looking further into the csv export for the forms we realized there is a 'C...
File Select / Upload Dialog Columns to be adjustable
In Synchro Control forms, file selection / upload window is unable to adjust the column width. the name is cut off and it is very difficult to identify the files.
When a form is being created it would be nice to allow the Admin/Document controller to determine when Attachments should be attached from.
When a form is being created it would be nice to allow the Admin/Document controller to determine when Attachments should be attached from. Like in the Form Definition Section or Workflow have a Check box indicating where users can upload/link doc...
It would be useful to if a Number Box Dropdown Control was offered so when a form is created the Document Controller/Admin can determine what numbers could be selected. We use this function on our Granular Material Forms.
Ability to just let the user print screen the form
As an easy PDF option, you can make the form interface into a fullscreen mode so users can literally just ctrl-print their filled out form with all details, labels as is in the form layout. A stop-gap to for your eventual more detailed and adjusta...