Provide ability to clear permissions in Form designer
Provide ability (button) to clear all permissions from a form template in Form designer "Set permissions" tab. This will allow quick clean slate reprovision of roles and permissions.
Ability to undock iModel 4D Viewer and/or Task list in the Schedule module
It would be nice to use multiple monitors to review an expanded Task list on one screen, the 4d model on the other. Currently everything gets pretty cramped within one screen, and will get worse when additional columns for Tasks are made available...
In many occasions we use date for something that is yet to happen. Yet the user can input a date in the past. Having the ability to restrict the date for future events as related to the date of input of information would avoid this kind of errors.
Add setting option to change "Scope" from Element to Top Assembly
In Synchro Control, we can set the scope to "Top Assembly", which allows us to select part of a cell (from ORD/microstation) and the Properties tab will display the full parent element properties, which is where we have item type data attached. In...
Currently the installation won't allow the product to be installed on ARM processors within Windows. Allowing this should also enable "Mac OS" compatibility as many use Parallels Desktop, etc. With the new suite of Microsoft Surface Pros, etc, usi...
Expand on visibility assignments for roles and users
Quite often (almost every multi contractor form) requires visibility to be restricted to Client and anyone in the Creator's organisation. We currently manage this by asking the user to assign a role set up for their company to the AssignedUsers pr...
3D Notations (Footnote / Comment) - Modifying the input (based on property)
We are looking for a solution for creating a footnote / comment automatically based on a property. Normally, the function footnote / comment will give area, length or coordinates automatically but I want the footnote / comment to grab the Typemark...