Allow users to see full calendar names in Task Properties> General
Currently if users have calendars with long names, they can be cut off in Task Properties> General> general> calendar picker. This discourages users from using Pro as a plannning/ scheduling tool. Provide a way to see full calendar names,...
Data Date line for Late tasks should not extend to start of task
One issue which I discussed with our managers yesterday was the lack of ability to illustrate accurately a jagged line. See below snap shot of the progress line with the late tasks switched on. As can be seen even when partial progress is show (in...
Resource & 3D User Fields that are created/updated in 4D to be accessible in Control, Modeler & Field
Resource & 3D User Fields that are created/updated in 4D to be accessible in Control, Modeler & Field. This is important because as we package work in 4D, populating these user fields would enhance QTO's in modeler (via queries) and filter...
Doug Theret
about 4 years ago
Need the ability to select an object or multiple objects through the Model tree. A few quick suggestions, but can be developed upon - > Shift select to select a range and Ctl Select to add/remove from a selection > Select all the child eleme...
If new elements are added in 3D model for which resources have been created in Synchro 4D pro. There must be option to recreate the existing resources without breaking the links and maintaining the hierarchy as per the 3D model.
Scripts should be accessible like Bindings over all the forms in your project. For very complicated scripts it can become really repetitive and having a search feature would be extremely useful and user friendly
Adding Lag values in Task Properties> Links> Predecessors/ Successors do not consistently behave properly
Care must be taken when adding Lag values. This function did not work properly each time. The buttons in the task properties links dialog box were sometimes very touchy and did not function properly. In some cases the correct selection of a button...
Logic tracing when activities are filtered - See attached video for additional details
The inability to filter activities and trace logic where the next activity would show in your visual is a major issue that affects our reporting of critical paths. Those paths can be coded but should be traced rather than simply relying on a code ...