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Status Planned
Workspace SYNCHRO 4D Pro
Created by Jason Summers
Created on Dec 15, 2021

Logic tracing when activities are filtered - See attached video for additional details

The inability to filter activities and trace logic where the next activity would show in your visual is a major issue that affects our reporting of critical paths. Those paths can be coded but should be traced rather than simply relying on a code field to be accurate in a live environment. Identifying the predecessor and successor in some cases was difficult or impossible to the lack of a clear (visible) indication of a driver. In P6 there is a check box that populates if an activity is a driver. This is an efficient process and not available in synchro to our knowledge

    Feb 24, 2022

    Implemented, this would be available in 6.5.

  • Admin
    Jacqueline Chen
    Jan 25, 2022

    I might have missed the part "Identifying the predecessor and successor in some cases was difficult or impossible to the lack of a clear (visible) indication of a driver. In P6 there is a check box that populates if an activity is a driver. This is an efficient process and not available in synchro to our knowledge." Can it be explained further?

    Is this what you meant and where you want it to be?

    If the below screenshot (see the column that says "Driving") is not satisfactory, submit a separate idea.


Back tracking/tracing logic

Within SYNCHRO, when filters are applied to the task table, users cannot back track logic. They must clear their filters, and then create a customer filter as they progress through the logic trail and add each task to the filter to actually trace/...
Doug Theret over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Tasks/Scheduling/Gantt Chart 0 Planned