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Status Planned
Workspace SYNCHRO 4D Pro
Created by Doug Theret
Created on Feb 1, 2021

Resource & 3D User Fields that are created/updated in 4D to be accessible in Control, Modeler & Field

Resource & 3D User Fields that are created/updated in 4D to be accessible in Control, Modeler & Field. This is important because as we package work in 4D, populating these user fields would enhance QTO's in modeler (via queries) and filtering iModels in Control and Field. This greatly enhances the user interface and makes it quicker, more automated, and overall better for the user

    Feb 26, 2021

    Thank you for your idea. We understand the desire for it and will consider it as a part of a future release.

  • Edgar Chan
    Feb 26, 2021

    This is important, if we went to site, we have a task contain a few to hundreds of object. Know the object name is insufficient, as this task may have 20 or more object with the same object name, so which one to tag? You might say by location, but would need to spend additional time to find out is it correct one. Therefore we also need to know the exact tagged name/mark or more field to filled in the gap. Best of all let user to customize which user field can be seem in field after all only user know what is field is needed.