Please add a search button to search any documents across folder, it will may life of field users easy as lots of document are published from synchro control
Ability to view and add station offset information while creating Forms in field
Similar to how this app does it - While in the iModel view, we should be able to - Jump to our GPS location, Start a Form Click on the pin to pop up the station information Copy that into a Form - auto or manual
Arpit Prakash
5 months ago
in Field
Future Consideration
It would be useful that have all the projects photos on site for project managers to walk around and review by where they are on the project. As a construction site worker, I want to quickly find images and videos in the project repository, so tha...
Matthew Blake
over 2 years ago
in Field / Forms | Media
Future Consideration
Requested by Patryk Makowski <> Please add selection tool (like "By rectangular") to enable selecting/unselecting multiple elements at once, without selecting them all, while we're in statusing mode. They want to upt sta...
Ability to upload multiple photos in one go against a Perform Work Reference in the web
Currently, a user needs to upload one photo at a time and add a comment. This feature would allow a user to add multiple photos to a Work Reference (Activity or Event) in one go
Photos will be taking in the field using the app however there is now way to view all photos because there is no media indexing tab. This goes the same for schedule.
David Gallaher
almost 2 years ago
in Field / Forms | Media
Future Consideration
Show name of user who submitted a docket on the Docket Inbox
It would be helpful to see the user who submitted the docket, on the Docket Inbox page, in case you needed to contact that user if you had a question. Currently the Docket Review and Site Docket Review screens on the mobile app show this information
Luke Read
almost 3 years ago
in Perform / Dockets
Future Consideration
Show usage creator and updater on Resource Usage Entry page
It is not currently possible to see who created a usage entry on the Resource Usage Entry page (this can only be seen via Cost Analytics and the Resource Usage Export). This change would allow a user to see the usage creator on this page.
Luke Read
almost 3 years ago
in Perform / Timesheets
Future Consideration