Showing all active Resources for a look ahead period
I am trying to generate look ahead prints with all active 3D resources visible for that look ahead period instead of just the active Resources of the Focus Time. Example: show all tasks in between 25th of July '22 and 21st of August '22.I would li...
Provide ability to clear permissions in Form designer
Provide ability (button) to clear all permissions from a form template in Form designer "Set permissions" tab. This will allow quick clean slate reprovision of roles and permissions.
Custom icon or icon library to represent custom form types on the map and model.
Allows a user to differentiate between other items on the map. The user would have the option when creating the custom form in the UI forms designer to assign an icon to it.
A key part of construction is the maintenance of a site diary. It would be great if we were able to create site diaries which users can create and complete on a daily basis. Also have the ability to attach images to site diaries.
In many occasions we use date for something that is yet to happen. Yet the user can input a date in the past. Having the ability to restrict the date for future events as related to the date of input of information would avoid this kind of errors.
Expand on visibility assignments for roles and users
Quite often (almost every multi contractor form) requires visibility to be restricted to Client and anyone in the Creator's organisation. We currently manage this by asking the user to assign a role set up for their company to the AssignedUsers pr...