Contractor side have List of Sub contractors/Supplier that all data's should stored and access from Sub Contractor/Suppliers dictionary Option . For Example: In Supplier Dictionary : Name of the Company, Nature of work or Material/ Cost Per , Cont...
over 1 year ago
in Contracts
When we add related Forms to a Form we would also like to have those forms listed on the Exported PDF Print out
When we add related Forms to a Form we would also like to have those forms listed on the Exported PDF Print out. I know they show up in the audit trial but it would be nice if they should up neatly in the PDF Export. Our team passes around the PDF...
David Dudek Jr.
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Form Services - Ability to mass Delete items when a CSV is uploaded
When uploading a CSV File, a User does not have the ability to select multiple items to DELETE. A User will need to DELETE each individual line entry one by one. Should have the option to select multiple items. If an Item has been used in a Form D...
Derryl Acosta
about 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration