Since we cannot delete forms, it would be useful to hide forms with a 'Void' status from the work table if they were submitted in error or no longer relevant. It would also be useful if those records aren't included in exported csv files.
It would be really useful to add a feature to import and export the 3D Path Keyframe Lists for a project. This would allow the Keyframe List to be manipulated in other software, for example Excel, and imported back into the project.
Having individual 3D filters by selection per Control user. If you isolate or hide any 3D data in a Control project Synchro 4D Pro automatically activates the 3D Filter "3D by Selection [Administrator]". We are working simultaneously on Control pr...
Add ability to link Event's from SYNCHRO Perform to the audit history of a Potential/Change Order. This would allow users of Cost to easily reconcile information coming in from the field.
If new elements are added in 3D model for which resources have been created in Synchro 4D pro. There must be option to recreate the existing resources without breaking the links and maintaining the hierarchy as per the 3D model.