Currently visually there is no difference between the planned tasks and started/finished tasks which makes it hard for user to identify tasks with actual progress. It would be the best to include this in subsequent releases.
Allow users to update tasks in the Schedule view - find the most regular updating activities and include those: update task durations update task relationships? update task status (status, actual start/ finish, % complete) etc.
[Gantt] Adding/removing columns (example Total Float)
Provide user options to customize columns based on the available data. For example, user would want to see Total Float column displayed in the Gantt Chart to understand CPM.
Dockets: allow users to have the ability to approve in bulk.
Although the Docket Inbox allows a user to approve multiple Dockets, it is limited to a single day and still requires the user to select dockets individually.
Luke Read
over 1 year ago
in Perform / Dockets
Future Consideration
Please, consider introduction of one off start trigger one off start trigger at initiation of the form. The canvas change control does not work as the canvas is reloaded each time a transition occurs.
Resource & 3D User Fields that are created/updated in 4D to be accessible in Control, Modeler & Field
Resource & 3D User Fields that are created/updated in 4D to be accessible in Control, Modeler & Field. This is important because as we package work in 4D, populating these user fields would enhance QTO's in modeler (via queries) and filter...
Doug Theret
almost 4 years ago
Hello Team, I know that we can copy/pas keyframe as text . This function requires to realize for each 3D path. I wonder if there is any way to export Keyframe of 3D paths to excel file and import excel file to update keyframe of 3D paths. Thanks