We have noticed that in the standard PDF Printout there is a created date and created by field showing the time when the PDF is extracted and the user who created the PDF. Looking further into the csv export for the forms we realized there is a 'C...
Exporting the source data with Work Areas and/or Slices from Synchro Modeler
Hello Synchro team, We are now using Synchro Modeler to prepare our 3D models and make them "4D ready". We are using the Slice and Work Area functionalities of Synchro Modeler. We also use Synchro 4D Pro to schedule the subdivided 3D objects into ...
Stephan Klotz
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Modeler
Needs review
In execution phase, a planned task could have a duration of 30 days, which sometimes must be splitted/paused in the weekends or some hours for a night or two due to some other delays, before restarting the task -in that way, I don't think it is co...
There are cases which will benefit greatly from having the ability to assign custom bindings to the Multiassign control. E.g. Subcontractors supervisors live on a project. The selection does not need to assign the form to the custom users, just be...
enable creating workflow from scratch without importing one
Currently when a new form is created one needs to import a workflow only then to modify. Please, enable creation of workflow statuses from scratch by providing the "Add new status/step" in the "Set workflow" tab
File Select / Upload Dialog Columns to be adjustable
In Synchro Control forms, file selection / upload window is unable to adjust the column width. the name is cut off and it is very difficult to identify the files.
Ability to just let the user print screen the form
As an easy PDF option, you can make the form interface into a fullscreen mode so users can literally just ctrl-print their filled out form with all details, labels as is in the form layout. A stop-gap to for your eventual more detailed and adjusta...