Reflect simultaneous activities with different locations in a 4D animation
In road projects where there are different sections and different construction elements in which there are several tasks occurring at the same time in different locations, I would like to reflect simultaneous tasks with different locations in a 4D...
Many case, in a form user want to have a group of Check Box, where user only allowed to select one. This requirement is easy with the group option that normally available in the programming lagguage.
ability to escalate to forms via choice in drop down (or script)
provide ability to escalate to different forms via user choice in a drop down type control or through scripts action (which can be triggered by a drop down or other). Example: User raises an Issue form. describes the issue, provides additional inf...
In 'Assign To' and 'Multi Assign' it would be nice to have the users and the roles grouped together. For exampel 'Role: Designer' and then underneath that all the users in that role, and then the next role with associated users underneath that and...
Ability to copy and instance of a form into a new instance including values
Ability to select an instance of already created form, create a new instance with the same data. Bonus functionality to be able to select which Values to copy into the new instance. This is where some of the values are repetitive between instances.
Ability to provision SYNCHRO Control on Government cloud
Many times government entities (like nuclear power plant, transport authorities ) ask for the availability of SYNCHRO Control on the government/private cloud.