When we create a plan set having to fill all mandatory field is time consuming. Most of the info could be fill upstream from PWDI. If we could have 1) An interface with attribute under PWDI and when importing the PDF to Synchro control those attri...
The idea is to push the concept of work package further for vertical infrastructure and large building Instead of being a form, have a complete environment dedicated to Work Package so we can deliver rich work instructions to the field The new env...
matrix of assigned users to forms in a project or group of projects
When onboarding and specifically when removing people from forms it would be useful to have the ability to export/download a matrix of users vs assigned to forms. That would help maintain visibility over which forms the user has a role in.
Currently you can filter with a time frame and the 3d view will adapt to it. user should be able to filter by human resource, material resource, equipment resource, and location resource. user should also be able to filter by work package descipli...
"Categories"needs to be an advanced search and data visualization option
There is no way to save a search based on Categories (or level names). Categories (level names in dgns) have significant meaning in the models. Being able to search for a group of categories that have a descriptive word (rebar, top, abut, etc) is ...
I like the way Dropbox functions and allows several documents to be scanned or uploaded at one time. I do see value in having a function like that through synchro
Add option to transfer comments and photos from one activity to another.
Often photos and comments are uploaded to the wrong activity number. This results in a lengthy process to download the photos and re-enter the comments to the correct activity. Additionally, the person reviewing the entries is often not the same p...
Jackson Morley
almost 3 years ago
in Perform / Site Records
Future Consideration