We want to be able to run a report which could create an "Audit Trail" by User ID.
In SYNCHRO control would like to have an option to run a report which would create an "Audit Trail" by user ID or task. Almost like a key stroke report. There are times when our users are working on multiple functions in SYNCHRO and at the same po...
David Dudek Jr.
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Admin
Future consideration
In Connect Form Manager, it can set the Display Name Property, which thisproperty will appear in email Title. Without this, the email will show [No Name] in the Title. So to have this setting in SYNCHRO form Manager is required.
Right now the stast transition button only have Property Assignment. Many time we need to notice user, so to have notivication is good. like the normal Transition Button.
Enable the ability to search for a user in the ‘assigned to’ list by typing their name
Enable the ability to search for a user in the ‘assigned to’ list by typing their name to filter the results. Sometimes we have a lot of people in the project so it is difficult find an specific person scrolling.
provide upload of editable bindings in flow state definition
When we create Form we can now download the form definition. From there it is very easy to create an excel file with the Editable bindings per status. Having option to upload this into the state definition will speed up the development and tweakin...
Kiril Tasev
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Add Revit Category to 3D User Fields for 3D Fliters
It would be useful to be able to create 3D Filters based on the Revit Category value of the element. In the example below I would simply want to have a filter that can dynamically search/filter the models to all elements of that Category.
ORD linestyles are rendered as line segments - change to render as a single line so the lines don't dissapear
Currently, if we use a dashed linestyle in ORD/MicroStation, Synchro treats these as line segments and the lines vanish when zooming out. This makes it difficult for users to know that they're viewing the correct information, especially if solid l...