Add cost codes within modeler tree and have capability to export cost code configuration.
The default format of setting up a cost code configuration to attach to a model is too rigid. It is almost impossible to determine which codes will need to be incorporated for a design build project model. As designers update models more codes wil...
David Gallaher
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Modeler
Future consideration
Ability to filter/select PDF settings plan sheets by user defined tags.
In the PDF Settings selection under administration in SYNCHRO control we only have the ability to filter by all sheets, published or draft. A document controller needs the ability to have more options available to view plan sheets in case modifica...
Exported 4D synchro .fbx format when linked with 3ds max file texturing is not possible
Our Team is working on one project and our scope is to export 3D model from synchro as .fbx file and link that file into 3ds max to create rendering according to the planned dates from schedule because we need to update that file multiple times as...
I would like the ability to add additional fields into the Field App View for Forms
I would like the ability to add additional fields into the Field App View for Forms. This option will allow us to be able to sort on a specific field in the field App.
When creating a workflow and deciding which Properties should be Enabled or Disabled based on workflow status, we only want to see the bindings associated to the form we are working on, not all Bindings in Control. This can be confusing.
When deciding which bindings so be enabled or disabled within a workflow it would be helpful to see on the bindings associated to the form we are working with. Right we have a view of all bindings.
David Dudek Jr.
about 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Please add a head count for: Total People in List (total number in filter). Total People with (any) hours assigned each day. This will help when managing large crews to check if they have all been added to the filter, and also to see if hours have...
Create scripts in Python or another programming language in Manage Forms
Is it possible to add scripts in Python or another programming language? If we add too many formulas to the form, it might become slow. Perhaps, by optimizing the formulas, we could improve the form's performance.