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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Integration with the Headlight app to transfer data captured in Headlight to SYNCHRO Control
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PINNED Publish from PW Create Rendition to SYNCHRO Control PDF
Can ProjectWise ICS printing of PDF publish directly to a SYNCHRO Control Project?

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Showing 1317

Add legend of ActivityCode Values in Gantt while in 'Activity Code Color' Mode

We're using the activity code color model to define tasks for multiple companies. But it's not possible to add a legend to the Gantt to define the colors.Legend must be suitable to show both ACV and/or ACV Description
Bram Wildekamp almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Tasks/Scheduling/Gantt Chart 1

Saved layouts for Usage Matrix

Ability to create, save and share layouts of the Usage Matrix
Luke Read almost 2 years ago in Perform / Timesheets 0 Future Consideration

Downloading folder and subfolders

When selecting a parent folder should i not get all the subfolders and files? Currently, when I select a folder from the document I'm only getting 1 folder and non of its subfolders and files
Dan Sheldon over 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Documents 0 Future consideration

Would like to search for photos with a geo-location

No description provided
Beth Buerger 6 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Media Indexing 1

Would be nice to be able to add the geo-location to a photo (Media Indexing)

No description provided
Beth Buerger 6 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Media Indexing 0

MI - I would like a count off all photos with a geo-location vs the photos without one.

No description provided
Beth Buerger 6 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Media Indexing 0

I would like a fit to screen in Media Indexing

Not all my photos for a project are in the boundaries of the project. I would like a 'fit to screen' button that would automatically pan out of the map to include all photos.
Beth Buerger 6 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Media Indexing 0

PDF geolocation by level for building

When using Synchro for a large building construction, we would like to have the possibility to along with the geolocation (X,Y) add the height to represent the different floor of the building. This will be important as some PDF will share the same...
Luc Poulin 12 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 0

People Usage Summary (Item/People Count)

Please add a head count for: Total People in List (total number in filter). Total People with (any) hours assigned each day. This will help when managing large crews to check if they have all been added to the filter, and also to see if hours have...
Joshua Erskine 6 months ago in Perform / Timesheets 0

Change Assigned to font

Can the color scheme, background or font be changed in the synchro field app when users try to submit a form for review. When they submit a form for review it prompts them to assign a recipient for review, but the default image appears to be greye...
Arpit Prakash 12 months ago in Field / Forms | Forms 0 Planned