Incorporate the same data visualization feature in SYNCHRO Control in Modeler. This should be enabled for default and QTO views. It allows users to customize the colors of elements to assist in determining property data is correctly being transfer...
When using Synchro for a large building construction, we would like to have the possibility to along with the geolocation (X,Y) add the height to represent the different floor of the building. This will be important as some PDF will share the same...
When we create a plan set having to fill all mandatory field is time consuming. Most of the info could be fill upstream from PWDI. If we could have 1) An interface with attribute under PWDI and when importing the PDF to Synchro control those attri...
The idea is to push the concept of work package further for vertical infrastructure and large building Instead of being a form, have a complete environment dedicated to Work Package so we can deliver rich work instructions to the field The new env...
Can the color scheme, background or font be changed in the synchro field app when users try to submit a form for review. When they submit a form for review it prompts them to assign a recipient for review, but the default image appears to be greye...
Aggregated dashboard to show work items (forms) for all projects
Proof of concept has been completed by atkins team members. having this dashboard function embedded within controls would be of significant value to senior stakeholders across the project
Photos will be taking in the field using the app however there is now way to view all photos because there is no media indexing tab. This goes the same for schedule.
David Gallaher
over 1 year ago
in Field / Forms | Media
Future Consideration