Combine Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3 into one comprehensive report for that day. The Contractor’s Daily Report: Foreman Daily Record Foreman 1 Foreman 2 Foreman 3 Quality Inspector Daily Record Inspector 1 Inspector 2 Inspector 3 Safety Inspector Da...
Model Location - Set Default View to follow view used to tag location
Currently user will navigate and section the model or isolate certain elements to tag the issues to the forms. After exiting the model view, the view in the form does not show the view that the user used to tag the location when user re-open the m...
include a "find similar" tool/feature within the field app when looking for certain 3d elements in the model just like Control's 3D model functionality.
At the moment, it is not possible to add the 'File Upload' button to forms; only a button with 'Add Attachment' appears at the end of the forms. The introduction of this button would be quite useful, even for multiple additions, because in this wa...
Shortcut are key for 4D navigation/production.
So far this settings are lost every time, that software doesn't close properly, it's a lot of time consuming to reset it all the time.
Could it be add, an option for Export/Import our own Keyboard S...
Please add a search button to search any documents across folder, it will may life of field users easy as lots of document are published from synchro control
Ability to view and add station offset information while creating Forms in field
Similar to how this app does it - While in the iModel view, we should be able to - Jump to our GPS location, Start a Form Click on the pin to pop up the station information Copy that into a Form - auto or manual
Arpit Prakash
5 months ago
in Field
Future Consideration
Bentley includes a "Limit to fields on the form" function in the Actions-Scripts function at the Design Form stage (whoever added this is a genius!). Please include the same "Limit to fields/bindings on the form" function on the Field Options part...