Currently when we export to IFC all objects are white. Ideally we should be able to export to IFC with the original colours or even colours that the user overwritten.
Send notifications on other dates (bindings other than due date)
A form can have multiple related dates, for example, a list of actions with different due dates. This way, we will have several dates that are triggers for sending a notification.
Create scripts in Python or another programming language in Manage Forms
Is it possible to add scripts in Python or another programming language? If we add too many formulas to the form, it might become slow. Perhaps, by optimizing the formulas, we could improve the form's performance.
Allow SYNCHRO Control forms to attach documents from Sharepoint repository
Many SP users do not like to maintain 2 data repositories, meaning they do not want to copy documents from SP into SYNCHRO document. They want to be able to attach documents residing in SP
Form PDF exported through Transition creates a folder structure regardless of not containing Attachments
The following settings always create a folder structure containing an empty Attachments folder. When manually exporting from the Grid, it exports just PDF if no Attachments are available -