Link between documents under Documents/Connections and plant set
Since we can now display the saved search under Synchro field, it may be easier to find a document under Documents or Connections. From there if the document exist under Plan Set, a Go To link should exist to allow user to move back and forth betw...
EVA graph video with a task list only showing current tasks
I wanted to show an EVA video showing the exact costs with tasks filtered only showing active tasks. At the current time using the WBS sorting there is no way to exclusively show the total project amount in the first task and the active tasks that...
Ability to make Photo a required option in Survey Control
Photo option is hidden behind the menu, which makes it harder to find. We should have a easy to access icon for photo, which can then be made required as well.
Enable Bulk upload of Forms to edit existing form instances.
For owner/operators, edit the form instances in the csv file for multiple forms then upload the changes into Control for tracking. Suppliers not willing or able to access forms in web portal, send data via other apps. an owner/operator would have ...
UI improvements: Project Start/Finish date and progress
Create a UI to select a start and end date for a project when creating it, and allow project parties to see the progress of the current project on the home screen.
HoSang Jeon
3 months ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration
In the Model viewer, it would be extremely useful to be able to search in the Category and Model trees and turn on/off specific Categories or Models. This functionality exists in Control.