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Pinned ideas

PINNED SYNCHRO Field - Update Task Start date based off Earliest Resource Status
I am not sure if this is planned or not, but when we have the ability to update Resource Status through SYNCHRO Field, there should be an option (or Automatic) to change the status of the Task from Planned to Started, and also update the date to r...


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Logic tracing when activities are filtered - See attached video for additional details

The inability to filter activities and trace logic where the next activity would show in your visual is a major issue that affects our reporting of critical paths. Those paths can be coded but should be traced rather than simply relying on a code ...
Jason Summers about 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Tasks/Scheduling/Gantt Chart 1 Planned

Transparency on Resource Codes and Activity Codes

Every now and then need to do workarounds because resource or activity codes can only be shown as solid colours on the 3D view. Would be good if it was possible to allow for them to be transparent.
David Félix over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / 3D View/View Properties/Viewpoints/Layouts 1 Future consideration

Use of wild cards within Script

Hi, Would it be possible to implement wild cards within SYNCHRO Script? Example: I have the following User Fields: ABCD, ABED, ABBN, ABLM, ABHJ, ABDH, etc. I would like to sum all their values with something like SUM UFV("*AB*"). This would be ver...
Alexandru Buzan over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Tasks/Scheduling/Gantt Chart 3 Future consideration

Hidden Line Render Mode with shaded Appearance profile colors

Hidden Line Render Mode with shaded Appearance profile colors
Pierre Henderson over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / 3D View/View Properties/Viewpoints/Layouts 2 Future consideration

External Data - Allow Import of Project Baseline or Synchronize Baselines not just current Schedule

Currently it does not appear that Synchro 4D Pro allows for already established Baselines in External Software's to exported from Primavera etc... and brought into Synchro and assigned - only currently allows for baseline to be established within ...
Adam Jensen over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro 1 Already exists

Expand EVA graph option to display late and early values.

This will take synchro o/p to next level and would reduce the dependency on Power BI or other connectors.
Ameya Talekar over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Animations 1 Future consideration

Color Mode: Task Table Column add Transparency

The color mode of Task Table Column in 3D View Properties is very useful for displaying 3D objects based on codes inputted in P6. When applying the conditional formatting to the P6 data, there is no option for transparency. Please could the functi...
Ruth Fuller over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Auto-Match/Assignments/Resource Usage 0 Will not implement

Disable Export of 3D/ schedule if user has only Read permission for those

I assumed that user is referring to "Viewer" role in Pro (standalone .sp file). Create a custom role with 3D permission set to only "Read". Create a user and assign this custom role. Log in as this user. Try export 3D (File> Export) and it is p...
Jim Judd over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro 0 Future consideration

Ability to export user field graph to Excel

In 6.4 now we support distribute (Task) user field over duration and user can choose timescale for such distribution. Users now ask if it would be possible to export the User field graph to Excel so they can further use data from Pro for dashboard...
Dimitrios Mitritsios over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Import/Export / Printing/Reports 0 Future consideration

All users to be able to save a private file of a Control project

When using the Synchro Workgroup Project, it was possible for all users with a Synchro licence to save a private copy of the project. This was useful as people could back up their own work and try out ideas in an offline copy. With Synchro Control...
Ruth Fuller almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Cloud-hosted Control projects 0 Future consideration