Future/PM: expand tree to selected elements? Would need to define workflow and how to deal with incremental selections/expand/etc. Proposal - "Show selected in model tree" option or button in properties. Requires platform changes
•PM: hiding/emphasize/isolate based on category or model element is in. Same as DesignReview? Select one object in the model User would want to quickly select other objects: of similar type/ family of simliar level/ category
This is really an aesthetic thing, but also a function as its tripped me up a few times. Once you begin an animation export, would it be possible to hide the interface, or minimize it to the system tray with a 'hover over' update for the export co...
I'm not currently aware of a way to copy nodes between animation timelines? This is useful if you are trying to 'tie' the end and beginning of two separate sequences together, or merge them.
Provide the ability to add user fields to the status update
We want to be able to track hours and have the foreman input some comments when updating the status of a task. For example Change the status to 40% complete and enter Hours to date on that task then provide comments like "tom called in sick"