Need to able to save the Date Filter in Schedule View. The Date Filter is always set to empty (play all project duration) when user open the Schedule tab. It is better is the date filter can be saved, one option may be save in Saved View.
Add additional dialog with information about Standard workflow
We implemented a temporary button "Add standard workflow to project". Once a user clicks on it standard workflow is created and the button disappears. The idea is to add an additional dialog to inform a user what exactly will be done: *Blue text s...
Maria Bityutskaya
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Already exists
There does not seem to be a first person(walking view) in synchro control(sequencing.) I have some complicated sequencing works to do inside existing buildings and sharing the sequence on synchro control is seeming difficult without this view
PDF Markup showing list of issues on the PDF when selecting a single issue
Would be nice to see the list of issues when selecting one issue on the pdf markup without the extra step to click on the flag in the top right hand corner
When uploading an .sp file to Control, I sometimes get an error. It would be nice to receive a detailed error log that can point out exactly what needs to be fixed in order to view my iModel
Consider language setting in output generated in Pro
Currently if user goes to Options> Look and Feel> Languages and set language to German or a non-English language, in Task Properties> EVA, all EVA related fields are displayed in German or the selected language. But when trying to print o...
Similar to Resource Unit Type (i.e. Cubic Meter, Ton, etc.), having a Unit Type for User Fields allows producing much more useful Graphs and reports and the ability to distinguish the values of the user fields when viewed in large tables alongside...
Model status available on Field but not on Control
The Subject is self-explanatory. I’ve attached two screenshots for reference. It is because of the number of 3D geometries assigned to the task that causes the error. Please investigate.