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Pinned ideas

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PINNED SYNCHRO Field - Update Task Start date based off Earliest Resource Status
I am not sure if this is planned or not, but when we have the ability to update Resource Status through SYNCHRO Field, there should be an option (or Automatic) to change the status of the Task from Planned to Started, and also update the date to r...
PINNED Integration with the Headlight app to transfer data captured in Headlight to SYNCHRO Control
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Showing 78

Ability to copy and instance of a form into a new instance including values

Ability to select an instance of already created form, create a new instance with the same data. Bonus functionality to be able to select which Values to copy into the new instance. This is where some of the values are repetitive between instances.
Kiril Tasev over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 2 Already exists

Group roles and users in 'Assign to'

In 'Assign To' and 'Multi Assign' it would be nice to have the users and the roles grouped together. For exampel 'Role: Designer' and then underneath that all the users in that role, and then the next role with associated users underneath that and...
Arnar Agustsson almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 1 Already exists

iModel for Revit files

When processing iModel, either through iTwein Synchronizer or the Webpage, all properties visible in Revit should be processed and stored in iModel and can be viewed on Control by default. Users should also be given options to select the model pro...
Shaohua Guan about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models 2 Already exists

Enable trigger in transition to start Section Collapsed or Open

Simple trigger/tickbox in the status of the flow that allows a Section to be displayed collapsed or open depending on the state/transition. State 1 - collapsed State 2 - open State 3 - collapsed
Kiril Tasev over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control 1 Already exists

3D Path Assign - Script

Hai, I'm looking Automation in 3D Path by script. Im facing this problem lot of time, Currently 3D path not converted in Synchro Scripts. I'm created lot existing 3D path & assign time take more time . Due to repect process of every 3dpath as...
ASHWIN RAJESH K over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Auto-Match/Assignments/Resource Usage 1 Already exists

Provide option to limit which admins can see projects in Synchro Control

Currently if a user has a role of admin he can see any project set up on Synchro. Please, provide option to limit which admins can see/edit/modify my projects.
Kiril Tasev over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 1 Already exists

Enable editing of Office files in their native applications

Currently, SYNCHRO Control allows users to edit Excel, Word and PowerPoint files inside the browser. There is a need to edit some files in the native program, especially Excel, since the web browser version does not offer all the functionalities o...
Guest over 5 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Documents 0 Already exists

Finer control over permissions

I need finer controll over permissions. I want users to only edit the comments or user Fields. I think that the administrator needs to be able to controll mutch more than he can today. We are using SWP and find it hard to set the Project up how we...
over 5 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro 0 Already exists

It would be helpful to have the Option to Export all Form Field bindings to an excel spreadsheet

It would be helpful to have the Option to Export all Form Field bindings to an excel spreadsheet
David Dudek over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 1 Already exists

Offer a Number Box Dropdown Control.

It would be useful to if a Number Box Dropdown Control was offered so when a form is created the Document Controller/Admin can determine what numbers could be selected. We use this function on our Granular Material Forms.
David Dudek over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 1 Already exists