at completion calculation is depending on the duration and expected finish not the inputs of actual and remaining units as per primavera So we have the following: There is no input place for the at completion units on synchro like primavera P6 The...
I’m importing a P6 XML file into Synchro which contains multiple projects (50ish). It would be helpful if there is a way of selecting more than one project to import simultaneously. Otherwise I have to repeat the same import operation 50 times whi...
While working with IFC and SYNCHRO, I noticed a problem ...
When I import the IFC4 model into the Synchro, in many cases some elements of the building are removed and I think solving this problem will improve this software.
When we import Excel File to SYNCHRO, It is good it can accept other data as the Mapping Key, not only the SYNCHRO Standard ID. Please check the PDF file attached in more details.
Hello Team, I know that we can copy/pas keyframe as text . This function requires to realize for each 3D path. I wonder if there is any way to export Keyframe of 3D paths to excel file and import excel file to update keyframe of 3D paths. Thanks
Create extrusions from 2D drawing to animate construction sequence without 3D model
At an early planning stage or if the project does not have 3D models, construction sequence can be created from 2D shapes. A valuable improvement would be a way to quickly create extrusions from 2D drawings (e.g. DWG or PDF) to quickly create a "m...
It would be really useful to add a feature to import and export the 3D Path Keyframe Lists for a project. This would allow the Keyframe List to be manipulated in other software, for example Excel, and imported back into the project.
Give Option for " Animation Export to GLB, glTF and USDZ Format" (For Augmented Reality)
Above mentioned format is supporting direct way of Augmented Reality so, This Export option is useful to show the 4D model Simulation in AR Web/App Viewer