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Workspace SYNCHRO 4D Pro
Categories Import/Export
Created by Christian McCartney
Created on Feb 27, 2023

Reference Other Synchro 4D Projects without Importing Them

Where multiple projects are underway across a large campus, often run by separate teams or other contractors, it would be beneficial to be able to reference these as links to a Synchro Project, as opposed to importing them.

This would enable other projects geometry and sequence to be seen within a main host project, without having that project's geometry, resources, and tasks clogging up the main host project file.

Import of links should still provide the ability to relocate them if required to achieve alignment (same as any other 3D object), and to hide/filter 3D objects (with 3D object list ideally kept separate from host model 3D objects.

This would help to collaborate on larger projects while still being able to readily update linked Synchro projects as other teams update, all while keeping down host project file size.

  • Christian McCartney
    Dec 5, 2023

    Hi Synchro team,

    Just commenting on this to hopefully raise some visibility! Any updates as to if this idea will be possible in future releases of Synchro Pro, or potentially could the same be achieved with Synchro Control?
