When there is change on iModel, we always see that the iModel have this status " "Synchronozation queued". But we never know how long is the queue? Can we have button to make the Sync start? Why need to be on queue? as user, we need information......
Indrawan Wijaya
almost 4 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Models
Future consideration
Reference Other Synchro 4D Projects without Importing Them
Where multiple projects are underway across a large campus, often run by separate teams or other contractors, it would be beneficial to be able to reference these as links to a Synchro Project, as opposed to importing them. This would enable other...
Do you want to see improvements to the markup tools in Forms?If yes, please vote this post up comment to provide some details... Include a rating using a 1-5 scale, where... 1 = "Nice, but but this isn't that high on my list of needs right now."5 ...
When form is used by users, sometimes there are batch of them that need to be deleted/archived/changed to a specific status. In cases where form is deleted, that leaves a gap in the numbering system and questions further down the line, so it is be...
When processing iModel, either through iTwein Synchronizer or the Webpage, all properties visible in Revit should be processed and stored in iModel and can be viewed on Control by default. Users should also be given options to select the model pro...