Project schedule in Control is not matching 4D Pro. It seem to be showing the planned date in Control, rathe then the Actual date. I checked on another project and seen the same behavior. This user is obviously expecting to see the same Gantt/sche...
Ability to Define Condition on Property Assignments during Transitions
I want to be able to define a condition for property assignments - One use case scenario is to automatically assign the Form to a User, based on a Project that was selected in the previous status.
Grid control / Table functions needs improving, needs to function more like MS office. This tool is very difficult to use and can be very inconvenient. The grid control should also allow for limited horizontal inputs, allowing X and Y data as apos...
Ashley Edmonds
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
It will be useful to have an ability for a form to be sent to external to the flow/project person as a guest/3rd party signatory. This is to enable that person to assure "yes/no" or "Accept/Reject" statement that can then be added to the form's au...
Kiril Tasev
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
When Adding a new User to SYNCHRO and I put their Full Name in the Name field their Name should actually show up rather than as FirstName LastName.
When Adding a new User to SYNCHRO and I put their Full Name in the Name field their Name should actually show up rather than as FirstName and LastName. If the User want to update their name at a later date this should be an option in their profile...
Reflect simultaneous activities with different locations in a 4D animation
In road projects where there are different sections and different construction elements in which there are several tasks occurring at the same time in different locations, I would like to reflect simultaneous tasks with different locations in a 4D...
Many case, in a form user want to have a group of Check Box, where user only allowed to select one. This requirement is easy with the group option that normally available in the programming lagguage.