It would be really helpful if there was a simplistic way to easily control the "Display Order" of the different design models and reality data. For example, if you have a large design excavation model, it will always display below the existing ground surface or existing reality data, so you won't ever see it unless you turn off the reality data model. We should be able to quickly and easily change the display order of the design excavation model so that it appears "on top" of the existing ground reality data model. That way, you can see what the site will look like with the design excavation implemented but also still see the undisturbed reality data around it. This is mainly an issue when dealing with design earthwork models since any earthwork that is in a "cut" scenario will not be visible since it is below the existing ground reality data. We just need a simple way to change the display order so that "All" design earthwork models can be displayed "on top" to properly visualize the final design. I understand there are some classifiers and clipping tools, but they are not very intuitive. A simple option to control the display order of models is needed.