For vertical building and large building ( stadium) we will require to have a multi layer map ( one per floor or elevation). Also we need to create a custom map that would represent a section of a building at a specific elevation has we the constr...
Ability to filter/select PDF settings plan sheets by user defined tags.
In the PDF Settings selection under administration in SYNCHRO control we only have the ability to filter by all sheets, published or draft. A document controller needs the ability to have more options available to view plan sheets in case modifica...
When we create a plan set having to fill all mandatory field is time consuming. Most of the info could be fill upstream from PWDI. If we could have 1) An interface with attribute under PWDI and when importing the PDF to Synchro control those attri...
The idea is to push the concept of work package further for vertical infrastructure and large building Instead of being a form, have a complete environment dedicated to Work Package so we can deliver rich work instructions to the field The new env...
I would like a "google" like search of all the text to locate street names and lot numbers across the PDF set. I would like to search for the matching sheets and when in the sheet see the matching text strings
It appears that your are not able to use ISO 19650 compliant numbering and that your numbering style still following a very basic 30 year out style of numbering. Please re-code and rectify this asap.
When editing the the PDF plan set it would be beneficial to bulk edit items such as Discipline Dates, Type to make initial publishing and QC corrections more efficient
Have the capability to setup the default location for the QR code stamp in plan set module. Also have the capability to stamp all Plan sets at one time or selected range, draft or published status, etc.
Currently the workflow requires a download from the source (PW or project documents) and an upload to plan set. That leaves up to 3 copies of the same file.