On creating a blank Region, changing the Name automatically changes the Binding, however, if there are Controls within the Regions, the Binding remains static.
Arpit Prakash
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Will not implement
Allow 'user' specific configurations for layout and filters in additional to the existing 'global' configuration
Global and user settings for filters and layouts. Filters could be overwritten by other users. Filters being assigned to a "global" permissions or "user only" are keys to our ability to work individually as schedulers and support our project. A gr...
Adding Lag values in Task Properties> Links> Predecessors/ Successors do not consistently behave properly
Care must be taken when adding Lag values. This function did not work properly each time. The buttons in the task properties links dialog box were sometimes very touchy and did not function properly. In some cases the correct selection of a button...
Logic tracing when activities are filtered - See attached video for additional details
The inability to filter activities and trace logic where the next activity would show in your visual is a major issue that affects our reporting of critical paths. Those paths can be coded but should be traced rather than simply relying on a code ...
Would it be possible to link a particular user profile to a preset arrangement? Seems a bit difficult sometimes for some stakeholders to find their viewsets. For example: Financial staff member: Gantt- User graph - Tasks - Filters for Financial st...
SYNCHRO Pro has great capabilities and can improve the 4D model to be used in too many ways. But for the creation of schedule, I think it might need some enhancements to be more effective. SYNCHRO has the capability to accommodate tasks, quantitie...
over 4 years ago
Future consideration
Every now and then need to do workarounds because resource or activity codes can only be shown as solid colours on the 3D view. Would be good if it was possible to allow for them to be transparent.
The color mode of Task Table Column in 3D View Properties is very useful for displaying 3D objects based on codes inputted in P6. When applying the conditional formatting to the P6 data, there is no option for transparency. Please could the functi...
Please add a contextuel function for showing the legend in your 3D view. With that I mean to make it show the appearance profiles used for resources during active tasks. This way the user will see less profiles and it will be easier to determine w...
over 4 years ago
Future consideration