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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Add enable button to media indexing page to enable service if they have the RBAC role
If I don't have media indexing enabled on my project AND I'm an admin, we need to add a button her to enable it?
PINNED I would like media Indexing to remember my Search preference like this week or Month instead of today
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Showing 773

History of Adding Users to a Project

Would be nice to see the history when a User has been added to a Project as well as who has given the Roles as well to that User
Derryl Acosta over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Admin 2 Future consideration

Add additional dialog with information about Standard workflow

We implemented a temporary button "Add standard workflow to project". Once a user clicks on it standard workflow is created and the button disappears. The idea is to add an additional dialog to inform a user what exactly will be done: *Blue text s...
Maria Bityutskaya over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Already exists

1st person view

There does not seem to be a first person(walking view) in synchro control(sequencing.) I have some complicated sequencing works to do inside existing buildings and sharing the sequence on synchro control is seeming difficult without this view
Guest over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models 2 Future consideration

Issue does not appear in Linked Document

No description provided
Derryl Acosta over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Documents 1 Will not implement

PDF Markup showing list of issues on the PDF when selecting a single issue

Would be nice to see the list of issues when selecting one issue on the pdf markup without the extra step to click on the flag in the top right hand corner
Derryl Acosta over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Documents 0 Future consideration

Download all the photos attached to forms

If I need to get my photos out of SYNCHRO Control could I select them all and download them all. With the proper permissions.
Dan Sheldon over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0 Future consideration

Model status available on Field but not on Control

The Subject is self-explanatory. I’ve attached two screenshots for reference. It is because of the number of 3D geometries assigned to the task that causes the error. Please investigate.
Shaohua Guan over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models 2 Will not implement

Recovering a Deleted Project

When a Project is Deleted, is it Permanently Deleted? I know a pop-up comes up that ALL Data will be lost, but maybe include an option to Reover a Deleted Project?
Derryl Acosta over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Admin 0 Future consideration

Folder Creation - Documents Module

When creating a Folder with the same name, the system will generate the folder with a (1,2,3,etc) at the end of the name of the Folder. The system should already let you know if that Folder with that name say that the folder already exists.
Derryl Acosta over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Documents 0 Future consideration

Ability to download documents from Recycle Bin

Currently I can only restore the deleted documents, however, it will be useful to have an option to download the file directly. Also, there is no information about its original location, and have to hunt it down after restore.
Arpit Prakash over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Documents 0 Future consideration