Add the ability to create schedules for many models of one SynchroControl project.
Currently only one SynchroControl project model can be configured for the scheduling service ("Set up this iModel for scheduling service"). When a project is large in size or diligent, it is more convenient to split it into several models. Moreove...
Ability to upload multiple Inspection Configuration spreadsheets
Currently, we need to maintain a singular spreadsheet to add additional Form Definitions to the same project. This spreadsheet can become very large and hard to manage, and would be easier to have distinct spreadsheets for sets of similar Forms.
It seems the Region sometimes goes to a random location, within another Region if i try to move it around. This mostly happens if I drop it part outside the canvas. Also, doesn't look like i can move a Control below a region, but have to move the ...
Ability to reprovision (update) Inspections from a template to production projects
We can only provision Inspections once (initial provision only), but cannot reprovision to get updates from the template project, unlike regular Forms.
Return Actual Cost to Work Inspector/Progress webpage
I note the New/Enhanced Feature for SYNCHRO Perform removed "Actual Cost" from the Progress page of the Work Inspector in 9-Jun-2024 update. This page reports "Revised Earned Cost" which is linked to the actual progress. This information is most u...