In some cases where design and as built values are living next to each other, the controls may not have labels to provide eye pleasant layout. See attached form design. Unfortunately, when we display the form in the instances register, the column ...
With many repetitive forms there is a need for modular workflows that can be repeated reused or chosen to run for a particular state. Our current need is that as a user I want to be able to have a number of line items, produce two or three simple ...
Make all task properties available as columns within the task table.
Have all task properties available as columns within the task table. The user is currently required to run a script to push data to a user field to make visible in the task table. For example budgeted labor units, actual labor units, remaining lab...
Hi SYNCHRO team,
I have a new idea for the 3D filter by UserField function.When you create a 3D filter by UserField Values you can use the search function to search the right User Fields. After you have created a 3D filter it is hard to find bac...
Stephan Klotz
about 5 years ago
Future consideration
Hi I'm after an easy way of renaming user field's names in bulk. Paraphs if we could do find and replace or be able to copy to excel and paste it back it would help. In our case would simplify the fields so they would not have long names...
David Félix
about 3 years ago
Future consideration
Further to CSPM-I-631: Provide static table control. To show a user defined table. User defined matrix e.g. 4 columns by 8 rows. First row set as table headings. Availability to populate cell data in the Form manager and/or through csv upload. Abi...
Kiril Tasev
about 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration
currently only dollar amount is tracked when issuing payment application. User needs to track time/duration used for each payment application and calculate remaining duration for the contract.
multiple transitions to same closed state with different outcome of inspection
Case scenario: Transition from State A(open) to Closed by Client inspector named "Passed" based on Approve credentials Transition from State A(open) to Closed by Subcontractor named "Non attendance" based on Create credentials