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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Display Photo Count within Media Indexing
Add a display indicating “Photos 1 – 30 of 3,000 displayed” so users can see how many photos are logged.
PINNED Have the ability to move widgets and tables to a second monitor
Screen real estate to see the model is getting smaller with more widgets and tools can we move widgets to a second monitor?

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Showing 1311 of 1311

Multiple colormode in 3D view the same as Synchro 4D Pro

if you work in Synchro 4D Pro in an different colormode than Appearence profiles than it is not possible to see this colormode in Synchro Control. We would like to have the same color mode options that is available in Synchro 4D Pro also in Synchr...
Martijn Querner almost 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models 0

Show earned quantity in the tagged item (ROC) view, in the cell for "actual quantity", actual is earned when doing ROCs

When doing rule of credit milestones, we need to know the current earned quantity based the approved milestone percentages. We shouldn't have to go to another page to see this, it should calculate and show up in the tagged items page. changing "ac...
James Milroy almost 2 years ago in Perform / Progress Measurement 1 Future Consideration

Additional filters for Labour Summary widget

Originally submitted by Bentley team member Phil Wheeler. Additional filters on widgets (specifically the Labour Summary Widget). Hi, UGL Westgate project is using the labour summary widget on their daily site reports. However the reports are uniq...
Bernhard Budiono almost 2 years ago in Perform / Reports 0 Future Consideration

Import multiple P6 projects from single XML file

I’m importing a P6 XML file into Synchro which contains multiple projects (50ish). It would be helpful if there is a way of selecting more than one project to import simultaneously. Otherwise I have to repeat the same import operation 50 times whi...
Guest almost 4 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Import/Export 0 Future consideration

Rotate markup image in PDF markups after placement

Need to Rotate the image after insert. Scale and rotate after insert image in PDF markup.
Dan Sheldon almost 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 0 Future consideration

When Adding a new User to SYNCHRO and I put their Full Name in the Name field their Name should actually show up rather than as FirstName LastName.

When Adding a new User to SYNCHRO and I put their Full Name in the Name field their Name should actually show up rather than as FirstName and LastName. If the User want to update their name at a later date this should be an option in their profile...
David Dudek 12 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0

Element Properties in Status Update

It would be interesting to have a Properties Window of the Element/s when you select one or more in the Status Update screen. It would help to locate a specific element of the model or know if the selected is the correct one.
Guest almost 4 years ago in Field / Status update | Resources 0 Planned

Add hours to the Chantt Chart timeline

You can add a ruler for Year, month, week, day. But not hours. Adaptive fine is not always working to print the Chantt Chart you nog always get the hours visible. is it possible to add also hours?
Martijn Querner almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Tasks/Scheduling/Gantt Chart 0

Ability to see both Profile/Cross Section View together

Arpit Prakash almost 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models 1 Future consideration

Ability to add custom forms to mobile platform e.g. vehicle prestarts

Utilising custom forms to be able to create prestarts for equipment. Daily prestart checklists varying on type of equipment.
Jake Roduner 12 months ago in Perform / Plant & Equipment Tracking 1 Already exists