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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Display Photo Count within Media Indexing
Add a display indicating “Photos 1 – 30 of 3,000 displayed” so users can see how many photos are logged.
PINNED Add enable button to media indexing page to enable service if they have the RBAC role
If I don't have media indexing enabled on my project AND I'm an admin, we need to add a button her to enable it?

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Showing 1316

export multiple escalated forms in one PDF

if form A is escalated to form B, each form need to be exported separately. have the option to export both forms in one PDF document if one form is escalated to another.
Siti Nurhazirah Mokmin about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Reports 0 Future consideration

Two point scale and rotate PDF that are not geolocated

Need a way to locate two known objects on the PDF and then the same spots on the map to move and rotate onto the pdf the map.
Dan Sheldon about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 1 Future consideration

Export to Synchro 4D plugin for Autodesk Civil 3D

Looking for Direct Synchro 4D plugin for Civil3D.
ASHWIN RAJESH K over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Import/Export 0 Will not implement

Physical Quantity distribution in Task Usage

It would be very helpful to see a physical quantity, its cost (or task cost) and their distribution in the "task usage report"
Varvara Kleshchevnikova about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Tasks/Scheduling/Gantt Chart 0 Future consideration

Synchro_Resource Leveling/takt planning

Myself, a synchro user from Germany.I have developed a 4D BIM simulation with concrete quantity forecast in my new project .Now I would like to do a Resource levelling or takt planning.The peak demands needs to be balanced .Is there any solution a...
Guest about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Auto-Match/Assignments/Resource Usage 0 Future consideration

Ability to Define Condition on Property Assignments during Transitions

I want to be able to define a condition for property assignments - One use case scenario is to automatically assign the Form to a User, based on a Project that was selected in the previous status.
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Planned

How to format text eg. Underline and bold heading in daily report section 7?

No description provided
Brendan Pilmore 10 months ago in Perform 1

Grid control options

Grid control / Table functions needs improving, needs to function more like MS office. This tool is very difficult to use and can be very inconvenient. The grid control should also allow for limited horizontal inputs, allowing X and Y data as apos...
Ashley Edmonds over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0 Future consideration

To use thousand separators when numbers are displayed in the form

When using the number box in the form, there is no thousand separator in the number displayed. This makes it hard to see the value, especially for large amount like hundred thousands and millions. However, if use text box, this doesn't allow the m...
Siti Nurhazirah Mokmin about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0 Future consideration

Synchro 4D Pro Gantt and EVM configuration improvement

As per Arpit's response, none of the features required below are possible in Synchro, it would be a meaningful improvement if Synchro aspires to be a tool to be used for construction/planning management rather than only 4D: Hi, I'm trying to do so...
Rafael Vendrame 10 months ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Tasks/Scheduling/Gantt Chart 0