Project schedule in Control is not matching 4D Pro. It seem to be showing the planned date in Control, rathe then the Actual date. I checked on another project and seen the same behavior. This user is obviously expecting to see the same Gantt/sche...
Allow save of a form with incomplete data in mandatory fields in a status
When form bindings are set as required in "status" window the published form will not allow intermediate save until ALL properties have values. Allow for incomplete data to be saved by user. From user perspective I have contributed time to populat...
We would like an option added in the Form Definitions to control where an attachment derived from when attaching a file to a Form. The Option available are from "Your Computer" and "Documents". There are many situations our team does not want “You...
In Connect Form Manager, it can set the Display Name Property, which thisproperty will appear in email Title. Without this, the email will show [No Name] in the Title. So to have this setting in SYNCHRO form Manager is required.
Right now the stast transition button only have Property Assignment. Many time we need to notice user, so to have notivication is good. like the normal Transition Button.
Enable the ability to search for a user in the ‘assigned to’ list by typing their name
Enable the ability to search for a user in the ‘assigned to’ list by typing their name to filter the results. Sometimes we have a lot of people in the project so it is difficult find an specific person scrolling.
Add Revit Category to 3D User Fields for 3D Fliters
It would be useful to be able to create 3D Filters based on the Revit Category value of the element. In the example below I would simply want to have a filter that can dynamically search/filter the models to all elements of that Category.