There Should be a possibility to set a Control with a pin. That means when you choose it you should be able to set a Pin to save this Control Value. E.G: when you collect defects on the same level you don't need to fill the Level every time for ea...
Customize Subject Lines for e-mail notifications sent from SYNCHRO
This should be applicable for any automatic e-mail notification generated from SYNCHRO Control and not for just forms. Need ability to send out notifications for plan set revisions or newly published sets/specs.
David Gallaher
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Admin
Future consideration
Resource Status - Update percentage base of quantity
If a task is planned for 10 days to pour 100 cubic meters of concrete. The user would like to be able to update the quantity (cubic meters) using the Field app - Status update
Cascading list currently supports only text data type. More data types (number, boolean, dates) should be added so that the cascading list can interact more with Actions.
Infrastructure Cloud - Help Link only Show ProjectWise Link
When we use Infrastructure Cloud Link, and open SYNHCRO project, the Short Cut Link in top Right (just before Profile) still show ProjectWise link. I think need to change to SYNCHRO if we are opening SYNCHRO Project.
When we create the Json File for the Query. If there is any group that do not contains components, the query does not run. We need to delete those groups. It is good if the assignment still run like normal, only ignore the empty group. Please see ...
Indrawan Gmail
over 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Modeler
Needs review