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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Add enable button to media indexing page to enable service if they have the RBAC role
If I don't have media indexing enabled on my project AND I'm an admin, we need to add a button her to enable it?
PINNED SYNCHRO Field - Update Task Start date based off Earliest Resource Status
I am not sure if this is planned or not, but when we have the ability to update Resource Status through SYNCHRO Field, there should be an option (or Automatic) to change the status of the Task from Planned to Started, and also update the date to r...

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Showing 1311 of 1311

In resource Usage Matrix freeze column up to rate code

Hi currently the resource usage matrix has column frozen until Row Total, can the columns freeze be until Rate Code
Nageshwar Sesetti over 2 years ago in Perform / Timesheets 0 Future Consideration

Able to do Concatenate Some Bindings to a Target Binding

User want to have the function that able to Combine value from some different binding to another single Target Binding. Example to Combine generate single Document Number from different field.
Indrawan Wijaya about 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0 Future consideration

% Complete calculated consistenly with Physical Quantities

In SYNCHRO, despite is possible to calculate progress of leaf activites through Physical Quantitities, their "father" activities are still calculated by Duration (as their children progress is calculated by Automatic/Duration). % Complete of non-l...
Gabriele Barone about 1 year ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Tasks/Scheduling/Gantt Chart 0 Likely to implement

Add ability to control the display order of all models including design models and existing reality data.

It would be really helpful if there was a simplistic way to easily control the "Display Order" of the different design models and reality data. For example, if you have a large design excavation model, it will always display below the existing gro...
Aaron McLean 6 months ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / 3D View/View Properties/Viewpoints/Layouts 0

Test idea to see where it goes

No description provided
Kevin Vivien 6 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0

Make Forms Designer properties panel wider

Its hard to see longer Binding Names/Display Text.
Arpit Prakash 6 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0

Ability to dynamically add Bindings by editing the name in properties

We have to first click on X to remove the assigned Binding (if available), then click on + to create and assign the new Binding. This becomes a big time drain especially when duplicating fields and renaming them for multiple iterations.
Arpit Prakash 6 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0

option to select all columns in instances register view

please, provide option to select/deselect all columns in Register view. With big Forms it takes quite a while to select all the data to view. A simple checkbox "select all" would make that a very nice to have.
Kiril Tasev 6 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0

Restrict Events to be assigned to non bookable activities

Currently Events could be related to archived, finished, non bookable activities even if it 2 years over. The workflow should flag to the Event creator that the related activity is finished, non bookable and cannot be created until Contracts/ Cont...
Nageshwar Sesetti over 2 years ago in Perform / Events & Notices 1 Future Consideration

Cancel Button not intuitive

On SYNCHRO Control, when you have a form open and you want to close it, you have to click "cancel" to exit the form. This is not intuitive, because it looks you are canceling the form (in other words, it looks you are erasing all the information)....
Miguel Meninas 6 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0