Ability to maintain folder mapping for PDF export through Forms Workflow
If a PDF is set to auto-export at a specific folder location within Documents, using Forms > Workflow > Transition, that path is not maintained through provisioning to a production project.
Ability to push Form/Inspection definition updates from a template project to production projects
Currently, we have to go to each production project and reprovision them to get the latest updates from the template. It would be ideal to push the updates directly from the template project to all production projects, selected through a list.
As a user of forms, I often need to use the design printout functionality. When I use this, I more often than not have to re-upload the PDF target file because of improper naming of fillable fields, or missing fillable fields. Whenever I reupload ...
When animating an object that fades out while passing through another object, the intersecting object (the one through which the fading object passes) becomes unexpectedly transparent and casts unusual shadows.
When animating an object that fades out while passing through another object, the intersecting object (the one through which the fading object passes) becomes unexpectedly transparent and casts unusual shadows.
Add the ability to assign milestones to the EVA graph or other project graphs.
In many projects, it's crucial to highlight significant milestones, such as the end of a project's first phase or other key events. Currently, there is no straightforward way to add these milestones to project graphs, such as the EVA graph or time...
Button in 4D Pro for instant 'Synchronize changes from iModel Manager'
Please could a button be added to Synchro 4D Pro to allow you to 'Synchronize changes from iModel to Manager'. This would be invaluable as it would mean you would see the changes that have been made in Synchro Modeler much faster; as well as any c...