Button in 4D Pro for instant 'Synchronize changes from iModel Manager'
Please could a button be added to Synchro 4D Pro to allow you to 'Synchronize changes from iModel to Manager'. This would be invaluable as it would mean you would see the changes that have been made in Synchro Modeler much faster; as well as any c...
Civil Frontstage: Civil Tools - Enable Drainage Info and Drainage Profile in SYNCHRO Field
As a user, I want to be able to use the Drainage Info and Drainage Profile civil tools in SYNCHRO Field, same as what is available in the Bentley Infrastructure Cloud portal.
Luke Read
about 2 months ago
in Field / Models | Tools
Future Consideration
Ability to push Form/Inspection definition updates from a template project to production projects
Currently, we have to go to each production project and reprovision them to get the latest updates from the template. It would be ideal to push the updates directly from the template project to all production projects, selected through a list.
Currently unavailable but desperately needed: Ability to create Build iTwin project using API where a project per subcontractor model is adopted to allow rapid deployment
In the "Manage your Team" area of Synchro Control, I usually use the "old layout" and click on Import users. This allows me to bulk import users by uploading a csv file. I can then untick a box which says "Send project invitation email to import p...
Make it available to Download and Print Multiple Plan Set Pages at once by putting a box next to the page and checking off the Page wanting to Print.
Make it available to Download and Print Multiple Plan Set Pages at once by putting a box next to the page and checking off the Page wanting to Print and download. Right now there is now way to Download multiple Plan sheets at once. See Attached Sc...
Enhancement and Customisability of SYNCHRO Notifications
This idea has two parts to it: 1) Enhancement After using SYNCHRO and deploying it for many projects, we realise the pressing need for the following to be available: Notification once a form is overdue Notification to apply to eveyone in the CC li...