Allow save of a form with incomplete data in mandatory fields in a status
When form bindings are set as required in "status" window the published form will not allow intermediate save until ALL properties have values. Allow for incomplete data to be saved by user. From user perspective I have contributed time to populat...
Survey Control - control if voting buttons are selectable by user
To further enhance the capability and useability of the Survey control we found a need to have control over the voting buttons. A property attached to each voting button can enable or disable that button to be selectable by the end user. At the sa...
provide option for Comment on Rejection in transition
Provide ability to set mandatory comment on Rejection in transition. Generally the Rejection needs to be justified and provide guidance for the reason and may be how to achieve approval. Currently the form just stays in the status with no notifica...
Ability to undock iModel 4D Viewer and/or Task list in the Schedule module
It would be nice to use multiple monitors to review an expanded Task list on one screen, the 4d model on the other. Currently everything gets pretty cramped within one screen, and will get worse when additional columns for Tasks are made available...
Provide ability to clear permissions in Form designer
Provide ability (button) to clear all permissions from a form template in Form designer "Set permissions" tab. This will allow quick clean slate reprovision of roles and permissions.
In Connect Form Manager, it can set the Display Name Property, which thisproperty will appear in email Title. Without this, the email will show [No Name] in the Title. So to have this setting in SYNCHRO form Manager is required.
Right now the stast transition button only have Property Assignment. Many time we need to notice user, so to have notivication is good. like the normal Transition Button.