Customize Subject Lines for e-mail notifications sent from SYNCHRO
This should be applicable for any automatic e-mail notification generated from SYNCHRO Control and not for just forms. Need ability to send out notifications for plan set revisions or newly published sets/specs.
David Gallaher
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Admin
Future consideration
Ability to undock iModel 4D Viewer and/or Task list in the Schedule module
It would be nice to use multiple monitors to review an expanded Task list on one screen, the 4d model on the other. Currently everything gets pretty cramped within one screen, and will get worse when additional columns for Tasks are made available...
add createdDateTime column to forms schedule view as standard
When uploading data through csv and in other cases it is extremely needed to be able to see the timestamp of when a form instance was created and to compare to other instances. Currently the only way is to open the form instance and check the audi...
Cascading list currently supports only text data type. More data types (number, boolean, dates) should be added so that the cascading list can interact more with Actions.