Objects appear to be zigzagged or distorted after import into Pro from nwc
All files are available here: https://bentley-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/personal/jacqueline_chen_bentley_com/Documents/Documents/SYNCHRO%20-%20Core/Shared%20with%20Kate/Aha%20Support/SYNCHRO-I-393?csf=1&web=1&e=FQnbcS Open nwc, export spx, t...
Remove Desktop Saved views from the list of saved view
Can I remove or pick which saved view from the desktop list i want in my iModel. The list can be long and filled with a bunch of useless ones making it hard to find the ones that is valuable
Bulk import linking of documentation to Tags, Sub Systens & Systems
Adding an import mechanism that would allow bulk importing of actual drawings to individual Tags, Sub Systems and Systems would improve population productivity. Currently we can bulk import drawing references and links to external doc management s...
When commenting on the RFI following selection from the list, there is no id reference on the form itself. Everybody likes to confirm they have selected the correct item before executing an activity.
Automatching Bug - 'WBS' View vs. 'Custom' View in Task Table
When working with a client today, i found a bug in automatching resources to tasks. The version we are using for the project is SYNCHRO Pro but this may also be occuring in the latest 4D build and should be checked. When executing Resource...
Have a option when sending back that it can automatically go to the creator. Right now we can select indivduals or roles when setting up the workflow (Edit Transition > Property assignments > Assign to > ADD CREATOR TO OPTIONS)